STAT Labs: Bench to Bedside

By Amy Rapkiewicz, MD, Victoria Harnik, PhD, Maria Aguero-Rosenfeld MD, Margret Magid MD, Rhonda Acholonu MD FAAP & Molly Poag MD

STAT Labs: Bench to Bedside - Amy Rapkiewicz, MD, Victoria Harnik, PhD, Maria Aguero-Rosenfeld MD, Margret Magid MD, Rhonda Acholonu MD FAAP & Molly Poag MD
  • Release Date: 2017-11-27
  • Genre: Medical


We chose the most common STAT labs from the hospitals you are rotating through to highlight clinical presentation and differential diagnosis. What is different about this reference is its emphasis on laboratory evaluation (authored by experts in clinical pathology – the discipline that bridges clinical and laboratory medicine) and its links to the basic science underlying the physiological abnormalities.

The integration and immediate availability of your relevant basic science lectures along with the high-yield laboratory medicine information is what makes this eBook the ideal supplemental reference for you on the floors.