A Comprehensive Collection of Quotations by Category (Part 3)

By Thomas J. Strang

A Comprehensive Collection of Quotations by Category (Part 3) - Thomas J. Strang
  • Release Date: 2015-07-09
  • Genre: Self-Improvement


This ebook consists of 250 quotations in 47 categories (e.g., ) children, church, comedy, constipation, crime, criticism , curiosity, dignity, drinking, drugs, experience, experiments, farting, fat girls, faxes, feel, friends, gay, good, guys, health, history, Hitler, jobs, life, masturbation, money, music, new, news, paranoia, parents, passion, perfect, perfection, rehab, self-concept, self-confidence, self-destruction, self-esteem, self-evident, self-gratification, self-help, self-pity, sex, sheep and success. The quotations were collected manually over a period of many years. They have come from magazines, newspapers, television, catalogs, billboards, friends and relatives, business associates, etc. I have always liked quotations and try to live by their wisdom.