How Did I Get Here?
By Dan Davies

- Release Date: 2015-08-11
- Genre: Family Stories for Kids
This is a guide for Parents to explain in all honesty the process of childbirth to their own children. As told by a dad reflecting on the birth of his first child. A heart warming, genuine and educational short story, with lots of excellent, realistic and telling illustrations. A must for every parent who wants to share the joy of birth with their own child and tell them the story of how they were born. Also an easy way to let siblings know what is going to happen to mummy with her big tummy. After the author ( Dan ) had browsed the net, and asked some of his friends, he got answers. Many felt that honesty is the best policy. Here are some comments from Dan's friends who have read this book.
Sarah : I was due to give birth to my son when my daughter Felicity was 2 1/2 years old. Since my husband and I were planning a home birth, we felt it was important to discuss with Felicity how the baby would be born. Because she would be within earshot if not in the room when Mike was born, I wanted her to know what she may see as well as hear. I wanted to make sure to explain what was going on and reassure her that although mommy might make some loud or funny noises, even yell, she was OK. Gary, the older brother speaks of his mother's noises during labour but he's not afraid because she had told him using this book beforehand that although she "might make a lot of noise," he mustn't worry because "that's what it's like when babies are being born" and that she'll feel better if she yells and screams. I kept things fairly simple, but because Felicity was likely going to be present,I told her what I felt she needed to know to feel safe and secure during birth. It worked well for us. Felicity was never scared even though mommy made some very loud noises while giving birth to her brother.
Ann : I realized the other day that Martin is now older than Laura was at the time he was born, but because I am not pregnant (and have no plans to become so) and the subject hasn't come up, he has no idea how babies are born. I will probably remedy that soon by reading " How Did I Get Here " to him.
Cindy : I am expecting again and recently pondered on Facebook how I will explain childbirth to my 4- and 2-year-old daughters, and began to wonder how others handle the subject. I love this book.
Suzanne : admitted that she has been "skirting around this issue" even with her 9-year-old. She said she has told her most of the details, but doesn't "want to freak her out too much or gross her out for that matter."
Pattie: "I tried to skirt the question by answering...that the doctor takes the baby out." Reading your book at bedtime to my son was the simple solution.
Maxine : "I have a child psychology book called The Magic Years. They say to be truthful, but give as few details as necessary."
Fiona : "I found it was quite easy to explain things using " How Did I Get Here", and used the correct words at a young age. I'd rather explain it while my kids aren't embarrassed by it and will ask questions instead of having a 10-year-old blush or roll her eyes and not wanting to ask questions about things she doesn't understand."
Christine: "better he hears it from me than his peers at school."
Sherry: If my 7-year-old asks, I answer. I've always felt if they are old enough to ask they deserve an honest answer. Out comes the book.
Jackie : " My personal experience was that I was able to tell the truth in a beautiful, non-frightening way.