Lightning War
By Bruce Smith

- Release Date: 2015-10-23
- Genre: Epic Fantasy
It would be realy swell if those ascending to power were good, trustworthy, and capable leaders. Theyre not. Power doesnt corrupt; people corrupt everything. That includes the Allied Nations, an amalgam of the worlds governments. What about those anthropomorphic mechs from Infitech that eventually found their way into every household? Corrupted. Topping this list are four superhuman terrorists who are labeled Wielders. The Wielders control temperature, electricity, luminous energy, and geomorphic forces. How these people gained such abilities remains a mystery. Just one of them could level cities or rout entire armies. Flare-ups involving Wielders keep surfacing, spreading panic and demanding a response. Mark works hard at Infitech with several other renowned scientists. To ensure international security, the allies contract them to develop a defense for the threat Wielders pose. The solution they come up with worksmaybe a little too well. Finding his life transformed, Mark eventually comes face-to-face with a fifth Wielder. Sparking a war humanity had already lost, he changes history, becomes a beacon of hope, and is referred to as the Anomaly by his enemies. In his struggle to control the force he wields, Mark must answer an important question: what should we do with power?