My Double Life
By Sarah Bernhardt

- Release Date: 2015-11-13
- Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
My Double Life
Sarah Bernhardt, French stage and early film actress (1844 – 1923)
This ebook presents «My Double Life», from Sarah Bernhardt. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected.
Table of Contents
- About This Book
- Childhood
- At Boarding School
- Convent Life
- My Début
- The Soldier's Shako
- The Family Council And My First Visit To A Theatre
- My Career-first Lessons
- The Conservatoire
- A Marriage Proposal And Examinations-the Conservatoire
- My First Engagement At The Comédie Française
- My Début At The House Of Moličre, And My First Departure Therefrom
- At The Gymnase Theatre-a Trip To Spain
- From The Porte St. Martin Theatre To The Odéon
- The Franco-prussian War
- Sarah Bernhardt's Ambulance At The Odéon Theatre
- Paris Bombarded
- A Bold Journey Through The German Lines
- My Return To Paris-the Commune-at St. Germain-en-laye
- Victor Hugo
- A Memorable Supper
- At The Comédie Française Again-sculpture
- A Descent Into The Enfer Du Plogoff-my First Appearance As Phčdre-the Decoration Of My New Mansion
- Alexandre Dumas-l'etrangčre-my Sculpture At The Salon
- Hernani-a Trip In A Balloon
- The Comédie Française Goes To London
- London Life-my First Performance At The Gaiety Theatre
- My Performances In London-my Exhibition-my Wild Animals-trouble With The Comédie Française
- The Comédie Française Returns To Paris-sarah Bernhardt's Comments On Actors And Actresses Of The Day
- My Departure From The Comédie Française-preparations For My First American Tour-another Visit To London
- A Tour In Denmark-royal Families-the "twenty-eight Days" Of Sarah Bernhardt
- Experiences And Reflections On Board Ship From Hâvre To New York
- Arrival In New York-american Reporters-the Custom House-performances In New York-a Visit To Edison At Menlo Park
- At Boston-story Of The Whale
- Montreal's Grand Reception-the Poet Frechette-an Escapade On The St. Lawrence River
- Springfield-baltimore-philadelphia-chicago-adventures Between St. Louis And Cincinnati-capital Punishment
- New Orleans And Other American Cities-a Visit To The Falls Of Niagara
- The Return To France-the Welcome At Hâvre