THE WORKS OF F. B. MEYER, Vol 1 (25 Works): 25 Classic Devotionals, Biographies and Teachings on the Higher Life
By F. B. Meyer

- Release Date: 2015-12-31
- Genre: Bible Studies
F. B. Meyer (1847 – 1929) was a famous pastor and evangelist in England. He was a frequent speaker at Keswick and a friend of Hudson Taylor, D. L. Moody and Spurgeon. He was loved for his many writings, devotionals and Scriptural biographies which helped countless thousands grow in their love for the Lord and his Word. It is our prayer that Meyer's writings will similarly challenge and encourage you in your Christian walk.
Included in this collection are the full texts of 25 of his most popular works, including his famous "Biblical Biography" series as well as his classics "Back to Bethel," "Saved and Kept," and the "Secret of Guidance" and many more. Includes an Active Table of Contents as well as a handy Quick Table of Contents within the collection itself.
1. Back to Bethel
2. Blessed are Ye (Talks on the Beatitudes)
3. Calvary to Pentecost
4. The Exalted Christ
5. The Glorious Lord
6. A Good Start
7. Light on Life's Duties
8. Meet for the Master's use
9. Saved and Kept
10. The Secret of Guidance
11. The Shepherd Psalm
12. The Bells of Is
13. The Way into the Holiest
14. John the Baptist
15. Peter – Fisherman, Disciple, Apostle
16. Paul – A Servant of Jesus Christ
17. Abraham, or the Obedience of Faith
18. Israel – A Prince with God
19. Joseph – Beloved, Hated, Exalted
20. Moses – The Servant of God
21. Joshua and the Land of Promise
22. Samuel the Prophet
23. David – Shepherd, Psalmist, King
24. Elijah and the Secret of his Power
25. Jeremiah – Priest and Prophet