Five-Minute Guaranteed Bugle Course
By Boy Scouts of America

- Release Date: 2015-11-17
- Genre: Music
The Bugle has played a prominent part in all the great wars of history. Its martial notes have been heard in battle, and in the thick of the fray the Buglers have stood ready to sound the “Charge” or “Recall.”
In Revolutionary times the Bugles sounded the “Spirit of ’76” and many a drummer boy and Bugler marched with Washington’s “Minute Men.”
The Civil war saw Buglers wearing both the Blue and the Gray, and a visit to any large museum will show us the bugles they used. Not so very different in appearance from the ones used today, but not by any means as easy to blow as our modern ones.
Colonel Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” had Buglers attached to them, and a Bugle sounded the “Charge” at San Juan Hill.
In the recent Great War, and along the Mexican border today, the Bugle plays its part. Ready at the command to blow “Boots and Saddles” and at the close of the day, to sound “Taps.”
“Young America” today is rapidly taking the Bugle for its own, and this movement is not by any means confined to the Boy Scouts. Boys of all ages, from 6 to 60 are interested in learning the Bugle, and are finding in its simplicity an easy step to the Cornet, Trombone and other brass instruments.
By carefully reading this book, and applying its principles, you can readily understand how to play the Bugle in “5 Minutes.”