101 Questions About Sex & Their Answers
By Brijesh Kumar

- Release Date: 2016-04-04
- Genre: Health & Fitness
Sex is a basic human urge. It permeates in the entire human life. The very birth of a human being is an outcome of this act. Hence it is a very wide subject, touching all beings at almost all stages of their existences. Since it involves all and sundry, the various queries that emerge out of individual experiences are also numerous. An attempt has been made to bring all the queries arising out of various sexual relationships in one tiny book for the benefit of the people at large. Whether it is a question troubling the young boys or girls, grown-up men or women or even the aged ones, all have been dealt with exhaustive answers based on the modern research and ancient experience.
As a matter or fact, the majority of the social ills are rooted in the ignorance about this natural gift. Even at times, it is not only the ignorance but the misinformation that damages most. Unfortunately in an orthodox country like India, which is trying to realise the modern realities, many wrong notions about sex surface to create more confusion in the minds of the people caught in the transitional phase. It is through this book a sincere endeavour attempted to blow away the webs of confusion.