Jesus Christ: God's Revelation to the World [Second Edition 2016]

By Ave Maria Press

Jesus Christ: God's Revelation to the World [Second Edition 2016] - Ave Maria Press
  • Release Date: 2016-07-01
  • Genre: Textbooks
Score: 3
From 86 Ratings


This thoroughly revised and enhanced edition of Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World (Second Edition) introduces the story of salvation as it unfolds in both the Old Testament and New Testament. The text provides a thorough plan for reading and studying the Bible and gives students a general knowledge and appreciation of Sacred Scripture through which they encounter Jesus Christ. This textbook supports Course I of the USCCB Curriculum Framework.

Theologically rich and challenging, yet accessible to students of all catechetical backgrounds, Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World offers an inspiring, new pedagogical presentation rooted in several opportunities for engaging, learning, mastering, and applying course content to promote lasting knowledge of the core elements required in Course I of the USCCB curriculum framework.

Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World supports Course I of the USCCB Curriculum Framework and is a part of the Encountering Jesus series. It is also suitable for schools teaching a one-semester Scripture course or an Introduction to the Catholic Faith course in both high schools and parish religious education programs.  

This enhanced digital edition of Jesus Christ: God’s Revelation to the World includes
exclusive access to videos from the Apostleship of Prayer, America Media, Catholic Relief Services, the Congregation of Holy Cross, and Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. These videos enrich the written text with expert explanations of key theological concepts, sacred people, and sacred places by Bishop Robert Barron, Dr. John Bergsma, Rev. Kevin Grove, C.S.C., Rev. James Kubick, S.J., and Rev. James Martin, S.J.

Developed in collaboration with experts in theology, catechesis, and pedagogy, Jesus Christ: God's Revelation to the World includes a number of new features as part of an innovative design, including: 

Chapter Focus Questions: Each chapter’s main idea is posed as a question to the student to provide a broader context in which new ideas can be integrated and understood.
Infographics:A wide variety of visual and interactive designs throughout the text help students understand theological concepts in ways they will remember.
Currents Events: Each chapter opens with a story from the contemporary world that teens can relate to their own lives.  Educational Photos: Images throughout the text have been carefully chosen not only to illustrate the chapter but for teachers and students to use as educational tools.
Note-Taking Graphic Organizers: Designed to help students organize, summarize, and sequence the text, various types of organizers were customized for every section of the book.
Section Assessments: Each section includes pedagogically designed assessment questions with labels that show how the questions serve a variety of different learning styles.
Online Resources: As always, teachers can access a wide variety of online resources at the Ave Maria Press website, including videos, PowerPoints, handouts, crossword puzzles, reading guides, and tests.

(© 2016) The Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has found that this catechetical high school text is in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and fulfills the requirements of Course I of the Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age.


  • Turned me athiest

    By Trey8234292
    This book is anti god
  • Stuck up book

    By asatari glitch exploited
    This book never stops to look at another point of view. It describes atheism as a major sin, an calls all non-Catholics and Catholics that don’t pray regularly sinners. In terms of how it was written think of a flat earth article. Waist of time and money
  • Good

    By DrLand0
  • missing!!

    By emily🥰😩
    they missed something important in the textbook. editors y’all gotta review
  • Cry in poor

    By hjvjhvjyvyjvjyvjy
    I had to waste 17 dollers on this for school
  • Is Good

    By Ashton Mitrik
    Very good book for school