The Completeness of Number Seven
By Sekhar Reddy Vasa

- Release Date: 2016-09-12
- Genre: Bibles
The Completeness of Number Seven
Dear readers! There is no need to say that the Holy Bible is the basis for this book which is written on number seven. The number that reveals the secret about divinity from the Genesis to the Revelation is seven. At first, in the Holy Bible, God created the world in seven days. We know this from the Scriptures. I, as author of this book, based these seven days as the foundation, wrote this book with the inspiration of Holy Spirit. Please read this book, and help me with your suggestions.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
7 Days of Creation
7 accused ones in the Garden of Eden
7 distinct wombs
7 offsprings
7 distinct sheep
7 distinct oxen
Wisdom has built her house and hewn 7 pillars
7 husbands (lovers) in the life of Samaritan woman
7 gospels
7 distinct donkeys
7 Eras
7 distinct stones
7 distinct festivals
7 distinct hills
7 distinct pitchers
7 types of serpents
7 distinct baskets
7 distinct cups
7 distinct lamps
7 distinct tents
7 distinct births
Fathers of 7 evil qualities
7 fathers
7 baptisms
7 distinct barren women and surprising miracles in their life
7 spirits of god
7 distinct trees
7 distinct mothers
7 witnesses to Jesus Christ as the lord
7 distinct combats
7 spiritual gifts
7 bad movements in seven spiritual churches
7 seals
7 trumpets
7 bowls
7 kings of Satan
7 distinct steps in human life for existence
7 distinct truths in the resurrection of Christ
7 kinds of human life styles from the beginning
7 secret deeds in the mount olives
7 thrones of judgments
7 sayings of Christ on the cross (Good Friday)
7 sayings of the thief on the right side on the cross