Sacred Parenting

By Gary Thomas

Sacred Parenting - Gary Thomas
  • Release Date: 2017-08-29
  • Genre: Christianity


Parenting is a school for spiritual formation. . .and our children are our teachers.

The journey of caring for, rearing, training, and loving our children profoundly alters us forever. Even when the journey is a rough one, God uses the experience to train, shape, and love us. 

Sacred Parenting is unlike any other parenting book on the market. This is not a "how-to" book that teaches readers the ways to discipline their kids or help them achieve their full potential. Instead of a discussion about how parents change their children, Sacred Parenting demonstrates how God uses children to change their parents.

Stepping beyond the overly-tilled soil of method books, parents can learn a whole new side of parenting. You'll be encouraged by stories that tell how other parents handled the challenges and difficulties of being a parent – and how their children transformed their relationship with God.

The lessons that Gary Thomas--bestselling author of Sacred Marriage--offers are timeless. But in this edition, Thomas adds in some additional insights and stories that he's learned and lived over the past fifteen years of his own parenting. He has found that the lessons have remained much the same, but there are new applications for the readers in this generation who are just now coming to his book.