The Line Between Faith & Stupidity

By Chris Gunn

The Line Between Faith & Stupidity - Chris Gunn
  • Release Date: 2017-04-14
  • Genre: Biographies & Memoirs


Where’s the line between having the faith to step out for what you think God wants you to do and making unwise decisions you rationalize to be ‘of God’? Chris and Jessica set out on a journey to find that very line. After Chris had physical breakdown and recognized everything he wanted to do in life was not actually taking place, he and his wife set out to fulfill a dream they had - to travel the world. What began as an attempt to travel while running an online business, Chris and Jessica felt God tugging at their hearts to do something trust in Him for the full provision of their journey through prayer alone. No fundraising. No working. Just prayer. Booking a one-way ticket to Asia without a plan and very little money, they wondered if fulfilling their dream to travel and minister to those who they came across was God’s best for them or if they were just being plain stupid. Chris tells a compelling story, walking you through the thoughts, emotions and realities a lifestyle of faith can produce. After 11 months, they had traveled to 24 countries completely debt-free. By simply believing God to meet their needs, they experienced shocking accounts that will undoubtedly challenge your level of faith. The Line Between Faith & Stupidity explores the freedoms and challenges Chris and Jessica faced and invites you to give your crazy dreams a shot.