Jesus Returns! Here he comes again...

By Matthew James

Jesus Returns! Here he comes again... - Matthew James
  • Release Date: 2018-02-09
  • Genre: Fiction & Literature


In ‘Only an atheist can help God save the world’, God travelled to Earth and, with the help of an atheist named Jeffrey, tried to convince humanity to change its ways and save itself. He failed. Now His son, Jesus Christ, has decided that he shall succeed where his father did not. There’s nothing like being the son of God, eh!

But Jesus has a plan, the same plan that he always has. He will be reborn as a human on our world and set about becoming famous using his ‘divine powers’. Thus, he will build a following and convince us all to change our ways. Along the way he’ll drink more than he should, he’ll take a lot of drugs and sleep with as many humans as is possible for the son of God surely does love a good time!

He’ll also recruit several managers including Melissa, the wife of God’s former atheist assistant. They will then attempt to navigate the world of television, celebrity and shady news Corporations to reach the audience that need convincing. One thing is for certain: if he can avoid being crucified this time around he’ll be much happier about the whole thing!

Featuring a diverse cast of popular religious characters including God, Lucifer, angels and demons, atheists, celebrities, talk show hosts and of course the son of God himself, this religious satire will keep you laughing until the end of the world. Lookout, here Jesus comes again!