Young People and Community Safety
By Lynda Measor & Peter Squires

- Release Date: 2017-11-22
- Genre: Social Science
This title was first published in 2000: Effective service provisions for young people are often said to be the key to Community Safety planning yet research frequently shows young people as over-controlled yet under-protected. Taking up this dilemma, this work draws upon a large survey of young people's attitudes towards the opportunities facing them and the communities in which they live. The book explores many aspects of young people's lives that adult society finds so disconcerting or threatening or which agency service providers find so difficult to address. The results of these surveys are contrasted with surveys amongst key agency personnel - social services, education, housing, police and the youth service - developing contrasting perspectives on "young people's needs". These findings are then further contrasted with a survey of adult community reactions, revealing markedly different levels of tolerance and intolerance. Discussion of the research findings is situated within a critical review of existing youth diversion and community safety policy initiatives which, by listening to young people and resisting the "demonization" of the young, attempts to take a fresh look at the contemporary "youth question".