Candy Flipping - The Sex and Drug Cocktail

By Cameron. Yorke

Candy Flipping - The Sex and Drug Cocktail - Cameron. Yorke
  • Release Date: 2018-05-31
  • Genre: Biographies & Memoirs


Indulgence, Addiction, Arrest

Candyflipping is the second book in 'The Chemsex Trilogy' and continues to explore the chem-sex revolution in Britain, the effects of recreational drugs, their impact on the community and the darker realms of self-medication which can rapidly develop into self harm, to address issues of depression, anxiety, and loss of confidence and self-esteem, especially after you've just been arrested for Possession with intent to supply, Class A drugs! Out on bail, It also examines the role in which the Police Court system play in dealing with the symptoms, not the problem, harassing small time drug dealers and end users of drugs,where the focus should really be on the importers and distributers if the 'war on drugs' is ever to be won

One mans struggle with addiction, the law, depression and anxiety. Where do you go for help when there is no where left to turn ?

The sequel to  Chasing The Dragon - Are You Chem-friendly? And winner of the 2017 Koestler Award for best  Memoir...

'Reads like a Brett Easton Ellis Novel...' - Louis Theroux