What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?

By R.C. Sproul

What Does It Mean to Be Born Again? - R.C. Sproul
  • Release Date: 2019-03-14
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Score: 4.5
From 42 Ratings


When Jesus said to the Jewish leader Nicodemus, “You must be born again,” Nicodemus asked in astonishment, “How can these things be?” Some two thousand years later, people are still confused about the term “born again,” though more people than ever claim to have had the experience.

In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul cuts through the confusion and carefully explains what it means to be born again. Dr. Sproul affirms that the new birth is essential for salvation and goes on to show that this regeneration is a sovereign work of God in our hearts.

The Crucial Questions booklet series by Dr. R.C. Sproul offers succinct answers to important questions often asked by Christians and thoughtful inquirers.


  • A must read for anybody!

    By DrAlchemy
    A must read for anybody 👍
  • Thorough Explanation

    By Obaid.N
    Dr. Sproul does a very thorough job in explaining biblically what it means to be born again and if it is an essential need for going to heaven. Anyone will find this helpful.
  • Excellent Theology

    An excellent work of theology, though I wish it contained more practical direction for those curious how they themselves might become regenerate. Sproul is adamant that regeneration is exclusively a work of God, though I feel like some sort of advice for the seeker would be welcome here. (I assume Sproul has other books that go this direction, though I recognize that by his own admission in this book he is not an evangelist.)