Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications –,10th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence
By Paulo Novais, Jaime Lloret, Pablo Chamoso, Davide Carneiro, Elena Navarro & Sigeru Omatu

- Release Date: 2019-06-22
- Genre: Computers & Internet
This book presents the latest research on Ambient Intelligence including software and applications. Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is a paradigm emerging from Artificial Intelligence, in which computers are used as proactive tools for assisting people with their day-to-day activities, making everyone’s lives more comfortable. Another main concern of AmI originates from the human–computer interaction domain and focuses on offering ways to interact with systems in a more natural way by means of user-friendly interfaces. This field is evolving rapidly, as can be seen in emerging natural language and gesture-based types of interaction.
This symposium was jointly organized by the Universidade do Minho, Technical University of Valencia, Hiroshima University, and University of Salamanca. The latest installment was held in Ávila, Spain, from 26th to 28th June 2019. The authors wish to thank the sponsors: IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, Spain Section Chapter and the IEEE Spain Section (Technical Co-Sponsor), IBM, Indra, Viewnext, Global Exchange, AEPIA, APPIA and AIR Institute.