Marine Corps Tactical Publication MCTP 3-30G Marine Corps Manpower and Personnel Administration 24 January 2020
By United States Government, US Marine Corps
- Release Date: 2020-02-23
- Genre: Engineering
This U.S. Marine Corps manual, Marine Corps Tactical Publication MCTP 3-30G Marine Corps Manpower and Personnel Administration 24 January 2020 provides commanders and Marines assigned military occupational specialties in the 01occupational field with the doctrinal mission, principles, concepts, components, organization, functions, roles, and responsibilities for the execution of Marine Corps personnel administration. It is the authoritative basis for the subsequent development of administrative policy, education, training, systems, and procedures. It is not directive in nature, but provides a framework for personnel administration. Marine Corps Tactical Publication 3-30G addresses the interrelationships of administrative organizations within Headquarters, United States Marine Corps, the operating forces, and the supporting establishment and promotes a common understanding of personnel administration support fundamentals. The publication is intended for commanders and their staffs, individuals, and administrators who conduct and manage Marine Corps administrative practices and procedures as it applies to individual Marines, their family members, the civilian workforce, and Marine Corps organizations. People are the Marine Corps’ greatest asset. Personnel administration’s focus on the individual Marine and Sailor, the civilian workforce, and their families ensures units are trained and ready to serve and fight at a moment’s notice. Marine Corps personnel administration supports and sustains all contributors to mission accomplishment. Personnel administration assists in transforming individuals into units through accurate and timely recordkeeping and thorough analysis of personnel gaps. Personnel administration is the planning, directing, and documenting of matters pertaining to individual Marines, Sailors, and their family members not covered by other functions. Other functions include operations, logistics, medical and dental, or intelligence. Personnel administration includes the maintenance of command-related documentation pertinent to unit and family readiness as well as quality of life (QOL) concerns. Personnel are the primary element of command and control and form the foundation that enables commanders to train and lead qualified Marine Corps units to carry out their missions. Personnel administration spans all levels of warfare: from strategic manpower plans and policies that shape the future force to meet the operational and support establishment’s manpower requirements, to tactical execution that addresses the necessities of each individual supporting the force. Administration applies known policies and conducts process management techniques to streamline procedures. It applies measurable actions regarding efficiency, resources, and strength. Administration also requires an intuitive ability to grasp unique tactical, operational, or strategic situations and a creative ability to devise qualitative sustainment through planning, policy, and execution.