Sperm Whales of the Azores
By Wayne Osborn & Pam Osborn

- Release Date: 2020-07-15
- Genre: Nature
Sperm Whales of the Azores is a photographic journey of our five expeditions to the remote volcanic archipelago of The Azores to document and photograph their resident sperm whales. Our above and underwater photographs have documented new born calves feeding and interactions with their pod. Whale socialisation in groups called ‘marguerites’ are shown in detail along with many other behaviours. The story of the cachalot or sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus has captured the imagination of those who have plied the sea over many centuries. In medieval times, whales were viewed as deep sea monsters of unquestionable malicious intent. Despite its depiction in Moby Dick, the sperm whale is more of a gentle giant as we have found working with them in over 500 encounters. The book includes our observations of sperm whale behaviour, a history of whaling including the part The Azores played including their traditional whaling methods. We have used 280 images to showcase the fascinating story of these whales. Sperm whales are listed as vulnerable to extinction on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species A permit from the Secretaria Regional do Mar, Ciência e Tecnologia is required to enter the water to photograph the whales and this is strictly enforced. All underwater images in this book were taken under permit. Our books have been downloaded in 37 countries. Pam & Wayne Osborn 2020