Marine Corps Reference Publication MCRP 3-10A.1 Infantry Battalion Operations July 2020
By United States Government, US Marine Corps
- Release Date: 2020-09-06
- Genre: Engineering
This United States Marine Corps manual, Marine Corps Reference Publication MCRP 3-10A.1 Infantry Battalion Operations July 2020, is a complete revision of the previous version, last published in 1978, which focuses on capturing best practices from recent operations across the globe. Many of these best practices are reflected in the intelligence, fires, and stability chapters. This publication serves as a starting point for understanding the capabilities of the infantry battalion. It is not intended to cover every situation that may be encountered. It also does not address force structure and weapon system changes currently in progress and anticipated over the next several years unless sufficient experimentation and testing have already been conducted to generate best practices that are ready to be codified here. This publication serves as the basic reference publication for infantry battalion operations and is to be used in conjunction with lower echelon and other Marine Corps doctrinal publications. This publication is intended for infantry company, battalion, and regimental commanders and their staffs. It is a foundational document that assists in the preparation and execution of battalion-level operations.