Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 11-10 Marine Corps Legal Support June 2018
By United States Government, US Marine Corps
- Release Date: 2020-09-21
- Genre: Engineering
This United States Marine Corps manual, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 11-10 Marine Corps Legal Support, provides the doctrinal basis for how the legal community delivers support to the Marine Corps. This publication facilitates each commander’s ability to integrate the two types of legal support, command legal advice and legal services support, into the planning and execution of Marine Corps operations across the spectrum of conflict, as well as the Service’s responsibilities to organize, train, and equip. MCWP 11-10 provides flexible guidance based on accumulated best practices and applies those practices across the range of legal advice and services. Legal support is provided to the operating forces, supporting establishment, and Headquarters, United States Marine Corps by Marines with legal training who collectively comprise the Marine Corps legal community. Members of the legal community are integral to the Marine Corps by design. They provide an organic legal capability that is ready to respond when the Nation’s force in readiness is called upon. MCWP 11-10 explains what the legal community does for the Marine Corps, identifies key personnel, offers an introduction to legal support functional areas, and addresses the judge advocate’s role in the Marine Corps Planning Process. MCWP 11-10 is primarily concerned with providing commanders and their staffs a doctrinal reference for what the Marine Corps legal community brings to the fight. Therefore, it is important for every Marine in the legal community to understand the information contained herein.