By Sophocle

ANTIGONE - Sophocle
  • Release Date: 2020-10-10
  • Genre: Foreign Languages


Summary :

After the exile of Oedipus, his twin sons, Étéocle and Polynice, fight for the throne of Thebes where they will reign alternately. Summerocles will temporarily retain power with the help of his uncle Creon and his mother Jocasta. But Polynices allied himself with the Argians to besiege Thebes. The two brothers then find death in the battle that opposes them. Creon became king of Thebes and refused Polynices any burial, even though he gave an official funeral to Étéocle.
The beginning of the play takes place on a square in Thebes in front of the palace of the Labdacids.

1. Prologue
Ismene finds her sister Antigone, who has arranged to meet her outside the palace in the middle of the night so that she can talk to her in secret. Antigone tells Ismene of her plan to bury her brother Polynices herself, as she cannot bear to see him thus abandoned and fall into disgrace, whereas Étéocle had the honour of being buried according to the rite. Antigone expresses her determination, even if it amounts to going against the royal order of Creon, and asks Ismene to act with her to prove that she is still faithful to her race. But Ismene answers that she is incapable of going against the laws of the city and exposing herself to the death penalty. Ismene tries in vain to dissuade her sister, but for Antigone, divine laws are superior to human laws and the gods demand a burial for Polynices. Ismene therefore lets Antigone leave and fulfil her destiny: "Leave, since you have resolved it. This is madness, know this well; but you know how to love those you love. »
This dialogue is followed by the entrance of the Choir, which goes back to the battle between Summerocles and Polynices for the throne of Thebes: "Alone, the cursed princes, the two German brothers, face to face spear against spear, each took their share of a common death. »

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The level of this text is A1, which means that it can be read, without difficulty, by beginners (adults or children).

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