Our Own Minds Can Deceive Us... People Do Too

By Tanya Carpenter

Our Own Minds Can Deceive Us... People Do Too - Tanya Carpenter
  • Release Date: 2020-10-12
  • Genre: Religion & Spirituality


When the earth was dark God said, “Let there be light.” Man was created in His own image, and to rule the earth. “ But what happened”. It was blamed all on a woman that we shall live but die. While we have life God said, “live life more abundantly on this earth. Some people do not know how to, or will never try due to straying away from the Father who created us. He has all of our needs to live in peace, joy and happiness. Love one another as He loves us. Each day that is given to us is a better chance at growing in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Beware of the enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But if you know God you know the enemy is already defeated.. So let’s live our best lives receiving all that God has for us. No need of living our lives with a smile upside down.