Resource-Based Learning for Higher and Continuing Education

By John Clarke

Resource-Based Learning for Higher and Continuing Education - John Clarke
  • Release Date: 2018-10-09
  • Genre: Education


Originally published in 1982 Resource-Based Learning for Higher and Continuing Education was written with the needs in mind of educationists who are responsible for the support of resource-based learning in higher and continuing education. The rationale for this mode of learning is explored and the implications for an institution seeking to provide teaching and learning resources which may well be used by an individual student. To place the reviews of the techniques that follow into a working context, a brief case-history of the Dundee College of Education Learning Resources Project, a major implementation of resource based learning in higher education is presented. The accent throughout the book is on the practical aspects of resource provision. Special attention is given to the problems inherent in the initial preparation by teaching staff of such items as manuscripts for printed works and shooting scripts for visual materials. Economic methods of production and reliable and effective means of presentation for audio-visual materials are also considered, both for use within institutions as well as by home-based students.