Gray's Anatomy Review E-Book
By Marios Loukas MD, PhD, R. Shane Tubbs PhD, MSc, PA-C, Peter H. Abrahams MBBS, FRCS(ED), FRCR, DO(Hon), FHEA, Stephen W. Carmichael PhD, DSc & Thomas Gest PhD

- Release Date: 2021-01-31
- Genre: Anatomy & Physiology
With the most extensive, comprehensive collection of anatomy multiple-choice questions in strict, current USMLE format, Gray’s Anatomy Review, 3rd Edition, is an easy-to-use study tool that helps you relate anatomy to clinical practice and pass your exams. Whether used as a companion to Gray’s Anatomy for Students or as a stand-alone resource, this medical textbook is your indispensable review book for both in-course examinations and the USMLE Step 1. Includes more than 1,400 high-yield questions, mirroring the USMLE Step 1 and complete with answers and rationales, that challenge your grasp of anatomical knowledge and the anatomical basis of disease.
Features a new neuroanatomy chapter containing approximately 100 all-new questions that cover key concepts and relate them to clinical practice.
Groups questions more logically within chapters for more effective study, first within topic areas and then from easy to more difficult.
Provides specific, updated page references to current editions of Gray’s Anatomy for Students, plus key answers and explanations to Gray's Basic Anatomy and Gray's Atlas of Anatomy for additional review.
Helps you visualize key concepts with updated radiographic and ultrasound images and extensive use of photographs.