Teaching Performance Assessments as a Cultural Disruptor in Initial Teacher Education

By Claire Wyatt-Smith, Lenore Adie & Joce Nuttall

Teaching Performance Assessments as a Cultural Disruptor in Initial Teacher Education - Claire Wyatt-Smith, Lenore Adie & Joce Nuttall
  • Release Date: 2021-08-23
  • Genre: Education


This book explores how well teachers are prepared for professional practice. It is an outcome of a large-scale research and development program that has collected extensive data on the impact of the Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment on Initial Teacher Education programs and preservice teachers’ engagement with the assessment. It contributes to international debates in teacher education by examining an Australian experience of teacher performance assessments as a catalyst for cultural change and practice reform in teacher education. 
The respective chapters describe and critique this unique, multi-institutional investigation into the quality of teacher education and present substantial evidence, drawing on a variety of conceptual, empirical and methodological entry points. Further, they address the intellectual, experiential and personal resources and related expertise that teacher educators and preservice teachers bring to their practice. Taken together, they offer readersclearly conceptualised and evidence-rich accounts of site-specific and cross-site investigations into cultural, pedagogical and assessment change in Initial Teacher Education.