Clarkesworld Magazine Issue 181
By Neil Clarke, Lavie Tidhar, Fei Dao, AnaMaria Curtis, Brenda Cooper, M. L. Clark, Bo Balder, Rich Larson & Eric Fomley

- Release Date: 2021-10-15
- Genre: Fantasy Short Stories
Clarkesworld is a Hugo and World Fantasy Award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine. Each month we bring you a mix of fiction, articles, interviews and art. Our October 2021 issue (#181) contains:
Original fiction by Brenda Cooper ("Paper of Elephants"), Bo Balder ("The Answer Was Snails"), Fei Dao ("Legend of the Giant"), M. L. Clark ("Love Unflinching, at Low- to Zero-G"), Lavie Tidhar ("Rain Falling in the Pines"), Eric Fomley and Rich Larson ("Through"), and AnaMaria Curtis ("A Well-Worn Path").Non-fiction includes an article by Carrie Sessarego and interviews with Cadwell Turnbull and Tobias S. Buckell, and an editorial by Neil Clarke.