Marine Corps Warfighting Publication MCWP 2-10 Intelligence Operations October 2021

By United States Government, US Marine Corps

Marine Corps Warfighting Publication MCWP 2-10 Intelligence Operations October 2021 - United States Government, US Marine Corps
  • Release Date: 2021-10-24
  • Genre: Engineering


This USMC manual, Marine Corps Warfighting Publication MCWP 2-10 Intelligence Operations October 2021, provides tactics, techniques, and procedures for Marine air-ground task force intelligence operations. This publication is intended for commanders, intelligence consumers, and personnel who plan and execute intelligence operations. Force Design 2030 informs this update to doctrine with the intention that it be updated again in five years, as the Marine Corps of 2030 achieves initial operational capability and refines concepts through the campaign of learning. MCWP 2-10 integrates lessons learned from nearly two decades of continuous combat operations, addresses operations across the competition continuum in mature and immature theaters, and incorporates key elements from the Tentative Manual for Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations. Readers can expect additional revisions driven by rapid advances in data analytics and experimentation using the expeditionary advanced base operations concept and a force designed and optimized for great power competition against pacing threats. By integrating new concepts and technologies, as well as lessons learned from future expeditionary advanced base operations experimentation or operational application, MCWP 2-10 will remain a relevant resource for preparing Marines to execute effective intelligence operations in support of the naval force.