Need-Based Life Is Not a Complete Life

By Mahnaz Javaherynikou

Need-Based Life Is Not a Complete Life - Mahnaz Javaherynikou
  • Release Date: 2022-03-07
  • Genre: Political Science


Nearly all biological life forms are need-based life forms. Among living beings on the earth, the plants seem to be less needy creatures. Plants make their food directly from the soil, water, and sunlight. In a desert, animals fight over water, but at sea, i.e. marine animals do not need to fight for water because water is provided for them freely: They live in water so water is freely available to them. To be more exact, for marine animals water and oxygen are freely available so they do not need to struggle and fight for them. For land-living creatures oxygen is free. So land-living creatures do not need to fight for oxygen. Land-living animals need to fight for food and water if they need to. Fight and survival-oriented behaviors are part and parcel of biological life. The moment life started on the earth survival-oriented behaviors also appeared on this plant. Recently the only creature that believes the fight is not good is some members of the human race. We believe short booklets are ideal in a world where we are too busy. Gone is the era of lengthy books.