The Philosophy of Sin
By Oswald Chambers

- Release Date: 2022-03-24
- Genre: Religion & Spirituality
The Philosophy of Sin is a subject of perennial interest, because the dreadful fact of sin is always with us. In every age there are the plain signs of some disruptive force at work among men. Hearts are being broken, lives are being spoiled, humanity is overclouded. Our Christian Faith sees that the underlying cause is Man’s sin—his fundamental dislocation from God, with all its bitter consequences. A book like this, dealing with sin and its remedy, is to be welcomed, for it helps us to a clearer understanding of what is wrong with humankind, and of how the basic wrong can be put right—through Christ’s Atonement making possible Man’s repentance and appropriating faith. The salvation that blots out sin is here disclosed. “Sin is the radical twist with a supernatural originator, and salvation is a radical readjustment with a supernatural Originator.” That is Good News indeed to every sinner; and every man finds out at last that he is that, if he is a seeker after the truth. There are many other matters treated here. There are problems of conscience, of outward conduct, of the emotional life, the intellect, the bodily life, of circumstances, nerves, spiritual reality, the natural instincts, and of true inward adjustment to God. No one can ponder these themes as here treated without profit. The one great aim is to show modern Christians the way to the high levels of true holiness and righteousness, so that we may well use Dora Greenwell’s prayer,
And Oh, that He fulfilled may see The travail of His soul in me
And with His work contented be,
As I with my dear Saviour!