Hearing from God Each Morning

By Joyce Meyer

Hearing from God Each Morning - Joyce Meyer
  • Release Date: 2010-01-08
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4.5
From 63 Ratings


In the hustle and bustle of today's busy world, sometimes it's hard enough to hear yourself think, much less take a minute to stop and listen for the voice of God. But learning to recognize God's voice and the many ways in which He speaks is vital for following His plan. This devotional, drawing from How to Hear From God, Knowing God Intimately, and The Power Of Simple Prayer shows the reader through a daily reminder, how God speaks through their own thoughts and feelings, their dreams, and the words of other people. Joyce Meyer reveals the ways in which God delivers His word and the benefits of asking God for the sensitivity to hear His voice. Joyce asks the question, "Are you listening?" and shares how to do just that. . .on a daily basis.


  • Good start every AM

    By beckpt1
    I find this is a great way to start everyday! The devotional's are just are short, powerful messages that help me keep my relationship with God always growing stronger and stronger. I prefer no dates because if I miss a day, I don't feel behind. After finishing the book, I plan go through the devotional's again:)))
  • 365 Days of AWESOME WORD!

    By AJ828
    I used this in my morning time with God. Every page was poignant and usually right on time! All I can say is it's AMAZING! If you're thinking of getting it....get it! You'll be thrilled you did:)
  • Not up to Par

    By StacyJT
    The book doesn't have the dates in it, like the actual devotional does. :(