A Series of Frustrated Outbursts by a Fake Librarian
By Roland Saint-Laurent
- Release Date: 2010-07-21
- Genre: Humor
Library technician Roland Saint-Laurent documents the ups and downs of library work in this "hilarious" new book! This book contains a series of entries covering various aspects of his life on the job, from petty staff back-biting to lurid accounts of patron insanity. Sometimes heart-warming, but mostly prurient, you'll love spending an evening curling up with this delightful volume!
It was really good
5By Keagan NicolaidesI liked this book. It was extremely funny to me. I read it in about 2 days. Really good.JPJ
1By JMPMMMJThis is a really stupid "book". It is not funny! It is not interesting! The author comes across as a petty, snide, wannabe. Don't bother even if it is free. I tried really hard to find something to like about it. That was a waist of time. He ends up sounding like the people he makes fun of.love it!!
5By JB.SoundManthe intro alone is hilarious!!Good
4By Karen g. p. :))It's one of the most truthful books I've ever read, entertaining and funny!Not funny
1By leony_15This should not be in the humor category.What a good e-book should be
4By ThemadlbbYes, I know that this is a collection of blog posts but honestly it really plays well to the ebook medium. It is short, interesting and funny and gives what I can only assume is an accurate glimpse into the life of a "librarian."Light read
4By malcoreI didn't think library workers could use profanity, but this guy certainly finds a way to fit it in. He pretty much tells it the way he sees it and that's that. Pretty entertaining throughout.Definitely a laugh out loud
4By PhamnaThis author articulates every person's mental dialogue of public interaction in a cynically comical way. Easy read somewhat entertaining
4By pcycleIt was a very easy read, pretty entertaining for the most part.Outstanding book
5By RambolieriThis is one of the funniest books that my eyes have ever witnessed. It proves that a book can be good to your wallet and bad for your pancreas because of the massive amounts of sweet in-your-face lines.