Practical Suggestions for Mother and Housewife (c. 1900)
By Marion Mills Miller

- Release Date: 2009-02-01
- Genre: Self-Improvement
Everyday advice, first published around 1900. According to the Introduction: "What a tribute to the worth of woman are the names by which she is enshrined in common speech! What tender associations halo the names of _wife, mother, sister_ and _daughter!_ It must never be forgotten that the dearest, most sacred of these names, are, in origin, connected with the dignity of service. In early speech the wife, or wife-man (woman) was the "weaver," whose care it was to clothe the family, as it was the husband's duty to "feed" it, or to provide the materials of sustenance. The mother or matron was named from the most tender and sacred of human functions, the nursing of the babe; the daughter from her original duty, in the pastoral age, of milking the cows. The lady was so-called from the social obligations entailed on the prosperous woman, of "loaf-giving," or dispensing charity to the less fortunate. As dame, madame, madonna, in the old days of aristocracy, she bore equal rank with the lord and master, and carried down to our better democratic age the co-partnership of civic and family rights and duties."