Love Wins

By Rob Bell

Love Wins - Rob Bell
  • Release Date: 2011-03-15
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4
From 732 Ratings


In Love Wins, bestselling author, international teacher, and speaker Rob Bell (Velvet Elvis, Drops Like Stars) addresses one of the most controversial issues of faith—hell and the afterlife—arguing, would a loving God send people to eternal torment forever?

Rob Bell is an electrifying, unconventional pastor whom Time magazine calls “a singular rock star in the church world,” with millions viewing his NOOMA videos.

With searing insight, Bell puts hell on trial with a hopeful message—eternal life doesn’t start when we die; it starts right now. And ultimately, Love Wins.


  • Love this!

    By Kkirk68
    Excellent book!!!
  • Shaun’s view

    By totally stoked about Jesus
    I was both scared and excited to read this book. I was first introduced to this book in a podcast debate about this book. The concept of Jesus changed everything and did the work, we do nothing is nothing new but we tend to taint the pot. I believe you teach the Bible by using the Bible; you make a point from the Bible not get a point and use the Bible to support it. Rob does an excellent job using the Bible to teach the Bible; bravo! I finished the book with hunger for more. My only major issue with this book is; it left out a major issue; it didn’t answer a question it was trying to solve. What about those who completely deny Jesus and God; want nothing to do with them; will they be forced into submission which would defy the whole concept of the book, “Love wins”, if live can’t be forced then everyone can’t be “saved”. Maybe we don’t have all the answers and that’s ok, right?
  • Not what Jesus said !!!!!!

    By gray hulk
    What does JESUS!! Say !!!!
  • Perfect

    By wc1230
    Best book I’ve ever read. Thanks, Rob.
  • Love doesn't win

    By Hopeful contestant.
    If this were true, why did we need Christ?
  • Thank God for Heresy

    By Unhappy7321
    Heretic!!! Love wins?! Turn or Burn is so much more effective. (That's sarcasm if you can't tell) This book is amazing. It is truly beautiful. Love is why Jesus came, not to judge the world but to save it! All of it, everyone! Not just Jews, not just Christians, but Buddhists, Muslims, Atheists, and gays, lovers of pleasure, lovers of self, and lovers of money, people who are "good enough" and people who are not, people who have earned the party and people who don't deserve a party, the proud and the shamed. We all have our story, but God has a different story to tell.
  • Great Job.

    By zdubwilly
    This book is doing exactly what it was set out to do! For youth and adults to ask or re-ask the big questions in life! There is no denying he has little evidence but this book isn't for defending as much as it is saving people who can't deal with a traditional view of hell. The love is what needs to e focused on. He does a pretty great job at that. Everyone who says he's a heretic just wants to hurt someone and make them feel higher. It's really awful the words people use on this rating and review system. Please use kind words, let's be Christ-like and respond with wise advice and helpful criticism. If you're here to bash, you're wrong- and you won't make an impact to Any of the readers that enjoyed it. Sure Rob is not perfect and some of his teachings may have some holes. But he isn't trying to fill up these holes, he's trying to make these theology holes noticeable to all in a simple read for the world. THANKS ROB! Continue to do what you do. Just because someone calls another heretic doesn't mean they're right, and it doesn't mean they have authority from God to say such things. If you're going to judge someone- judge them by their heart. The heart tells a lot.
  • Loved. It.

    By 2busy2dealwiththis
    My only complaint is that it could have been longer! Absolutely love Rob's perspective on God and on life -- very refreshing. Do not be troubled by the bitterness and hardened hearts of the haters -- they existed in Jesus' day as well, and they were among the only people that Christ ever told specifically that they were going to hell.
  • Moral

    By Sean311
    If "Love Wins" is NOT the correct interpretation of the New Testament, then the New Testament is immoral. (The Old Testament is so blatantly immoral that interpretations are irrelevant. Sorry if that makes you angry or uncomfortable, but when people ditch intellectual common sense for dogma they often become angry and uncomfortable at even the slightest hint of dissent.
  • Loving but just

    By Micalda1
    I'm guessing people have never read the bible that agree with rob bell in this book. He takes verses way out of context to prove his point. Read the bible literally people... The only way to heaven is through faith of a loving relationship with christ. "Many people will say on that day Lord, Lord did we not prophecy in your name and cast out demons. He will say depart from me I never KNEW you." Hell is real, people are there right now, and people will go there. The bible tells us to FEAR The Lord all throughout scripture. Why would we need to fear him if hell didn't exist? He is a God of love as well as a righteous judge. He sent his son to pay the price for you. All you gotta do is surrender you're life to him and fall in love with him. That's where you find salvation and that's where you find peace and rest.