The Science of Mind
By Ernest Holmes

- Release Date: 2011-02-20
- Genre: Spirituality
Today the New Thought movement if stronger than ever, when the DVD Secret is best selling on and the author comes on the Oprah Winfrey shows one knows that there is a phenomenon at hand. The Secret is nothing more than a regurgitated version of concepts from this book and others in a familiar theme. It is creative visualization to achieve your earthy goals from personal happiness to business. There is a catch however. When forcing Ether to get something, which is not karmically deserved, usually there is a backlash. This backlash is coming from disturbing the nature of things. I am sure everyone has heard of the woman who intently focused on getting a Mink coat and when finally she got it her, husband got transferred to Egypt. It is useful to creatively visualize things that are beneficial for others and not for petty selfish gains. It is always wise to ad to our meditative session I want this and that if it is agreeable with my karma . On healing! This book is heavily into the Arts of Healing. It should be noted that Healing should never be done in secret, without the knowledge of the recipient! This is messing with karma and it should not be meddled with in ignorance. The techniques outlined in this book are powerful and can be called white magic or sorcery. Once upon the time one could get into serious trouble from the religious authorities for practicing or even talking about subjects such as this. Nowadays the only danger is that we might actually get what we asked for.