The Invisible Poor
By Gabriel Demombynes & Dorte Verner

- Release Date: 2010-03-01
- Genre: Social Science
'The Invisible Poor' seeks to raise the profile of the rural poor in Argentina, promote dialogue on rural poverty issues, provide the best currently available information about rural poverty, and offer a basis for discussions on how to expand household survey data collection to rural areas. Most previous work has been based on case studies or one-time surveys in a few provinces and consequently has been of limited use for drawing conclusions about rural conditions overall in Argentina. Largely because of data limitations, profound gaps exist in the understanding of rural poverty in Argentina. As a result, the rural poor have sometimes been neglected in policy discussions. This study does not directly address policy responses. Rather it seeks to provide an analytical basis for understanding the conditions of rural life, with the ultimate goal of helping policy makers improve the welfare of Argentina’s rural poor through evidence-based policy.