The Wisdom of Insecurity

By Alan Watts & Deepak Chopra

The Wisdom of Insecurity - Alan Watts & Deepak Chopra
  • Release Date: 1968-09-12
  • Genre: Self-Improvement
Score: 4.5
From 354 Ratings


An acclaimed philosopher shows us how—in an age of unprecedented anxiety—we can find fulfillment by embracing the present and living more fully in the now. He is "the perfect guide for a course correction in life" (from the Introduction by Deepak Chopra). 

The brain can only assume its proper behavior when consciousness is doing what it is designed for: not writhing and whirling to get out of present experience, but being effortlessly aware of it.

Alan Watts draws on the wisdom of Eastern philosophy and religion in this timeless and classic guide to living a more fulfilling life. His central insight is more relevant now than ever: when we spend all of our time worrying about the future and lamenting the past, we are unable to enjoy the present moment—the only one we are actually able to inhabit.

Watts offers the liberating message that true certitude and security come only from understanding that impermanence and insecurity are the essence of our existence. He highlights the futility of endlessly chasing moving goalposts, whether they consist of financial success, stability, or escape from pain, and shows that it is only by acknowledging what we do not know that we can learn anything truly worth knowing.

In The Wisdom of Insecurity, Watts explains complex concepts in beautifully simple terms, making this the kind of book you can return to again and again for comfort and insight in challenging times.

“Perhaps the foremost interpreter of Eastern disciplines for the contemporary West, Watts had the rare gift of ‘writing beautifully the unwritable.’” —Los Angeles Times


  • Mesmerizing

    By taylorsteinberg
    A wonderful return to what is already known.
  • Not for me

    By High201
    Hard for me to understand. Finally gave up after awhile when I realized I had no idea what I was reading. I was getting g nowhere.
  • A book that makes you “woke”.

    Although written over 70 years ago, this book still correlates to the reality in which we live today. From anywhere to false-religion, racism, and to self-preservation anyone living in this society during 2020 would benefit from this read. This book was read by Tupac Shakur(he read hundreds of books). And was one of his favorites, so I highly recommend this to everyone.
  • A breathtaking experience

    By Brunos97
    Every word on every page. This is the kind of book that you must re-read over and over again to gain a more profound understanging of his philosophy. An inspiring, eye-opening, experience that I would recommend to anyone partaking in a spiritual journey. Dive into it with an open mind and enjoy :)
  • Great book!!

    By Hoggish dish
    Very good book on presence and the split mind
  • A LIFE changer!!

    By DAGorion
    I have read this book so many times that I almost have it memorized. I’m at the place where I can say, “Got it!” That doesn’t mean one has to agree with every word—merely that you understand where he’s coming from—what it most likely meant to him. It is a book that I would pass around to others.
  • A Must Read

    By JoshuaSilas
    This book is a tool; a grand piece of wisdom built upon sentence after sentence of the most wholesome truths.
  • Truly amazing

    By Ballsmatty
    I don't know where I would be Today without watts... He is truly the best there was... Pick up this book and take your consciousness back to the essence.