Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability

By Sérgio Tenreiro de Magalhães, Hamid Jahankhani & Ali G. Hessami

Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability - Sérgio Tenreiro de Magalhães, Hamid Jahankhani & Ali G. Hessami
  • Release Date: 2010-09-02
  • Genre: Network


The annual International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3) is an established platform in which security, safety and sustainability issues can be examined from several global perspectives through dialogue between acad- ics, students, government representatives, chief executives, security professionals, and research scientists from the United Kingdom and from around the globe. The three-day conference focused on the challenges of complexity, rapid pace of change and risk/opportunity issues associated with modern products, systems, special events and infrastructures. The importance of adopting systematic and systemic - proaches to the assurance of these systems was emphasized within a special stream focused on strategic frameworks, architectures and human factors. The conference provided an opportunity for systems scientists, assurance researchers, owners, ope- tors and maintainers of large, complex and advanced systems and infrastructures to update their knowledge on the state of best practice in these challenging domains while networking with the leading researchers and solution providers. ICGS3 2010 received paper submissions from more than 17 different countries in all continents. Only 31 papers were selected and were presented as full papers. The program also included a number of keynote lectures by leading researchers, security professionals and government representatives.