
By Thandi Buthelezi, Laurel Dingrando, Nicholas Hainen & Cheryl Wistrom

Chemistry - Thandi Buthelezi, Laurel Dingrando, Nicholas Hainen & Cheryl Wistrom
  • Release Date: 2013-08-14
  • Genre: Chemistry
Score: 3.5
From 451 Ratings


You’ll bond with Chemistry! Glencoe Chemistry: Matter and Change combines proven, comprehensive content with dynamic multimedia tools and engaging, hands-on labs to help you get the Big Ideas of Chemistry. Real-world connections and examples make learning Chemistry fun while plenty of math practice problems and self-quizzes help you succeed.
Content includes:
Introduction to Chemistry Analyzing Data Matter – Properties and Changes The Structure of the Atom Electrons in Atoms The Periodic Table and Periodic Law Ionic Compounds and Metals Covalent Bonding Chemical Reactions The Mole Stoichiometry States of Matter Gases Mixtures and Solutions Energy and Chemical Change Reaction Rates Chemical Equilibrium Acids and Bases Redox Reactions Electrochemistry Hydrocarbons Substituted Hydrocarbons and Their Reactions The Chemistry of Life Nuclear Chemistry


  • Problem

    By RickyChen20
    Page 350 has some problems
  • P75-83 repeat the same info over 10 times and are missing the other text please fix this bug!

    By Linda 713
    P75-83 repeat the same info over 10 times and are missing the other text please fix this bug!
  • mr

    By D.auralio
    Very useful book, but there is a miss of cycloalkanes topic in alkanes section, please fix it
  • Very nice layout but

    By Skhschem
    As the title says..the layout is very nice and there's lots of cool features but the update takes forever to install. Why? I haven't been able to use ever since I allowed it to update.
  • still needs work on these textbooks.

    By Rjdjrb
    these textbooks on iPad are amazing! its better than carrying these huge heavy textbooks, but it still needs more information , like it needs to have ALL of the information from the actual textbook to these new iTextbooks, this will make our lifes way better, easier, and faster. i hope you guys fix this.
  • Great! But...

    By Marcoagm2612
    This book is great. Interactive and with great content. But, no search option? It's really hard to search for a page without the search option or to find a word on the book. Pleas fix it.
  • Awesome :D

    By LexiBean97
    My school issues this book for free for the year. However, we have a huge campus, and the science building is a long walk from the other buildings. Anyways, we are required to carry this to and from class everyday and the textbook weighs a ton. There are many benefits to an electronic copy. So I gave this a try. 1) it's a cheap way to get rid of the heavy textbook 2) it has interactive quizzes, pictures, and links 3) it has vocab flashcards for each chapter (don't have to make those anymore Overall, definitely a great buy. I returned my 50 pound textbook and replaced it with this portable interactive version. It has the same stuff as the book itself and more. Definitely get this.

    By Johns Bones Jones
    i just downloaded the book and it says on my iPad unable to open..... is there supose to be wifi for this book or is my iPad broken or i got ripped off one or the other so this is a bad book to get
  • The future !

    By Golgo8
    I am very impressed with this technology and what it has the potential to do. Having taught the subject for over 15 years I have found the book to cover all the topics a traditional book would contain. I fully plan on incorporating this into my course as our school uses iPads. I would hope that minor corrections will be made as typos and errors come more to the fore front. It would also be nice if additional labs could be added in the next couple of revisions. I enjoy the standardized test review.section as well. My favorite part is when you highlight the text and it is automatically placed into your notes section as well as study cards. This has the potential to change education as we know it.
  • Great idea but lacking....

    By DidYouCatchThat
    I think Apple should find away to make all textbooks available in the same format they're in when printed. That way no one would have to carry their textbooks from class to class. The textbooks that are available aren't really to helpful. They're just watered down summaries of the main idea with a bunch of pictures. Apple still has a long way to go with this concept. Bottom line: Don't buy it.