Helena's Path
By Anthony Hope

- Release Date: 1933-01-01
- Genre: Classics
He started life or was started in it in a series of surroundings of unimpeachable orthodoxy Eton, Christ Church, the Grenadier Guards. He left each of these schools of mental culture and bodily discipline not under a cloud that metaphor would be ludicrously inept but in an explosion. That having been thus shot out of the first, he managed to enter the second that having been shot out of the second, he walked placidly into the third that having been shot out of the third, he suffered no apparent damage from his repeated propulsions these are matters explicable only by a secret knowledge of British institutions. His father was strong, his mother came of stock even stronger he himself Ambrose Caverly as he then was was very popular and extraordinarily handsome in his unusual outlandish style.