The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare

By Nancy Gordon

The Guiding Philosophy for the Future of Healthcare - Nancy Gordon
  • Release Date: 2012-05-16
  • Genre: Spirituality


This book is for both practitioners and lay people, alike. That is anyone who currently occupies a body and wants to be healthy and whole. The time has come to create a new philosophy that focuses on a more holistic approach to healthcare—one that is built on the concept that the body-mind-spirit is one thing—fully connected. We must shift our focus from treatment to prevention in a way that puts all of us back in the driver’s seat of our own health and well-being. This shift will only happen when we clearly understand how to use our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs as tools to help create health and wellness. All 60,000 thoughts we have in a day create something…either moving us towards health and wholeness, or not. We must broaden the scope of Western medicine to incorporate this concept into how we provide and participate in healthcare. Until we are willing to step outside the traditional medical box to understand and incorporate this phenomenon of the connection of body-mind-spirit, we are going to continue to struggle in our healthcare.