The Lost Stars: Tarnished Knight

By Jack Campbell

The Lost Stars: Tarnished Knight - Jack Campbell
  • Release Date: 2012-10-02
  • Genre: Science Fiction
Score: 4.5
From 163 Ratings


In a galaxy torn apart by betrayal and alien enigmas, two powerful CEOs must unite to confront the challenges that threaten their star system

CEO Artur Drakon and CEO Gwen Iceni form an unlikely alliance to protect the Midway Star System from rebellion and reestablish peace. As they navigate a web of deceit and danger, they must confront their differences and battle against the enigmas that lurk in the shadows.


  • Good story telling as always....

    By FootNote
    My main complaint is that like all his books, they are short. It feels like you are buying the first part of a three part book. It deffenlty keeps you coming back. But I rather spend a little more on a bigger book then constantly pay for parts of a book. That being said, I will still end up buying the next one.
  • To Those Saying the Book is Unfinished

    By jrh1524
    The story is finished in the Lost Fleet book Invincible.
  • Not finished

    By carbonrobot
    The writing and characters were excellent once again, but this book feels unfinished. The cliff hanger ending feels more like dangling a carrot to get readers to buy another book. Disappointed to pay full price for half a story
  • If you like the lost fleet series...

    By Corwin-of-Amber
    You'll like this book too. A bit more nuance in the characters, and some interesting perspectives on what freedom would be like for folks whose only cultural background was a command & control culture with pretty ruthless competition as the norm. Enjoy!