Beyond Writing Prompts / A Better Way / Hundreds of Memory List Questions

By Denis Ledoux

Beyond Writing Prompts / A Better Way / Hundreds of Memory List Questions - Denis Ledoux
  • Release Date: 2013-01-10
  • Genre: Biographies & Memoirs


Why Writing Prompts Don't Work

"Write about when you were 16," the writing prompt urges, but you wonder, "What about when I was 16?" You feel no insistence. Instead, you turn to How to Go Beyond Writing Prompts and peruse its suggestions. You find in the Teen Years section, "How did you describe 'best friend' then? Did you have one? Describe this person and state what it was like to be with this person. If you did not have a best friend, describe how that felt." As you see, this is so much better than a writing prompt.


Writing prompts with their closed-ended questions tend to lead to isolated stories.They are not, by and large, searching for the meaning lost in the morass of your memory, for the contact lens that is lost in the grasses of your psyche. No…

The problem with writing prompts is they lead to stories that can so easily miss the energy of a life—your life. They are dams that hold back lifestories from overflowing into the present, stimulating cues that don’t force you to consider what happened at those moments that no concocted prompt will detect.

It’s not that writing prompts may not sometimes be pleasurable to write or that a person may not enjoy sharing them or be grateful for a recaptured memory. It’s that they come to you from someone else.The problem is that they are not from within your lifestory.

Scroll to the top of this page and select the "buy" button. The financial investment is small, and the writing rewards are great.


Whether you are writing a memoir, creative non-fiction, or fiction, the suggestions in this book—as those in the other books in The Memoir Network Writing Series—are applicable.

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