The Preacher's Commentary, Complete 35-Volume Set: Genesis – Revelation

By Lloyd John Ogilvie, Leslie C. Allen, Myron Augsburger, Stuart Briscoe, Paul Cedar, Kenneth L. Chafin, Gary W. Demarest, Russell H. Dilday, Maxie D. Dunnam, Louis Evans, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Roger Fredrikson, John Guest, David A. Hubbard, John A. Huffman, David Jackman, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Bruce Larson, John C. Maxwell, David L. McKenna, Earl Palmer, James Philip, Mark D. Roberts, Douglas Stuart & Don Williams

The Preacher's Commentary, Complete 35-Volume Set: Genesis – Revelation - Lloyd John Ogilvie, Leslie C. Allen, Myron Augsburger, Stuart Briscoe, Paul Cedar, Kenneth L. Chafin, Gary W. Demarest, Russell H. Dilday, Maxie D. Dunnam, Louis Evans, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Roger Fredrikson, John Guest, David A. Hubbard, John A. Huffman, David Jackman, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Bruce Larson, John C. Maxwell, David L. McKenna, Earl Palmer, James Philip, Mark D. Roberts, Douglas Stuart & Don Williams
  • Release Date: 2010-01-31
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 3.5
From 16 Ratings


Written BY Preachers and Teachers FOR Preachers and Teachers

The Preacher's Commentary, Complete 35-Volume Set: Genesis–Revelation offers pastors, teachers, and Bible study leaders clear and compelling insights into the entire Bible that will equip them to understand, apply, and teach the truth in God's Word.

Each volume is written by one of today's top scholars, and includes:
Innovative ideas for preaching and teaching God's WordVibrant paragraph-by-paragraph expositionImpelling real-life illustrationsInsightful and relevant contemporary applicationAn introduction, which reveals the author's approachA full outline of the biblical book being coveredScripture passages (using the New King James Version) and explanations
Covering the entire Bible and combining fresh insights with readable exposition and relatable examples, The Preacher's Commentary will help you minister to others and see their lives transformed through the power of God's Word. Whether preacher, teacher, or Bible study leader--if you're a communicator, The Preacher's Commentary will help you share God's Word more effectively with others.

Volumes and authors include:
Genesis by D. Stuart BriscoeExodus by Maxie D. DunnamLeviticus by Gary W. DemarestNumbers by James PhilipDeuteronomy by John C. MaxwellJoshua by John A. Huffman, Jr.Judges & Ruth by David Jackman1 & 2 Samuel by Kenneth L. Chafin1 & 2 Kings by Russell H. Dilday1 & 2 Chronicles by Leslie C. AllenEzra, Nehemiah, and Esther by Mark D. RobertsJob by David L. McKennaPsalms 1-72 by Donald M. WilliamsPsalms 73-150 by Donald M. WilliamsProverbs by David A. HubbardEcclesiastes and Song of Solomon by David A. HubbardIsaiah 1-39 by David L. McKennaIsaiah 40-66 by David L. McKennaJeremiah & Lamentations by John GuestEzekiel by Douglas StuartDaniel by Sinclair B. FergusonHosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, and Jonah by Lloyd J. OgilvieMicah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.Matthew by Myron S. AugsburgerMark by David L. McKennaLuke by Bruce LarsonJohn by Roger L. FredriksonActs by Lloyd J. OgilvieRomans by D. Stuart Briscoe1 & 2 Corinthians by Kenneth L. ChafinGalatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon by Maxie D. Dunnam1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus by Gary W. DemarestHebrews by Louis H. Evans, Jr.James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude by Paul A. Cedar1, 2 & 3 John, and Revelation by Earl F. Palmer


  • Mr soethan04

    By soethan04
    The contents of this book is not working. Could not navigate to the chapters that I wanted to. Fix it, please....