Urban and Transit Planning

By Francesco Alberti, Mourad Amer, Yasser Mahgoub, Paola Gallo, Adriana Galderisi & Eric Strauss

Urban and Transit Planning - Francesco Alberti, Mourad Amer, Yasser Mahgoub, Paola Gallo, Adriana Galderisi & Eric Strauss
  • Release Date: 2022-06-17
  • Genre: Art & Architecture


This book incorporates a wealth of research focused on the more and more urgent challenges that urban planning and architectural design all over the world must cope with: from climate change to environmental decay, from an increasing urban population to an increasing poverty. In detail, this book aims at providing innovative approaches, tool and case study examples that, in line with the agenda of 2030, may better drive human settlements toward a sustainable, inclusive and resilient development. To this aim, the book includes heterogeneous regional perspectives and different methodologies and suggests development models capable of limiting further urban growth and re-shaping existing cities to improve both environmental quality and the overall quality of life of people, also taking account the more and more close relationships among urban planning and technological innovation.