Cloudy with a Chance of Dropbears
By W.R. Gingell

- Release Date: 2022-06-19
- Genre: Fantasy
Kill the kid and you can come back.
That's what the note says.
Five-Four-One is just a lowly leprechaun, working for the Behindkind Tax Office. He has no idea why he's suddenly been dumped into the terrifying death-trap known as Australia: no idea who the kid is, or why someone wants them both dead.
Nor does he know who else is looking for the kid—which is unfortunate, because out of all the other things that could potentially kill him today, that one is the most likely to stick.
CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF DROPBEARS is a companion novellette in the City Between urban fantasy series, best read between books 5 and 6.