Earth Retaining Structures and Stability Analysis

By Kasinathan Muthukkumaran, Balunaini Umashankar & N. Kumar Pitchumani

Earth Retaining Structures and Stability Analysis - Kasinathan Muthukkumaran, Balunaini Umashankar & N. Kumar Pitchumani
  • Release Date: 2023-02-14
  • Genre: Civil Engineering


This book comprises the select peer-reviewed proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2021. The contents focus on Geotechnics for Infrastructure Development and Innovative Applications. This book covers topics geotechnical challenges in tunnel construction, related performance of temporary secant pile wall, soil nail walls, rock-fill embankment dams, performance of MSE wall, stability analysis, dynamic stability and landslide simulations, landslide early warning system, among others. This book is of interest to those in academia and industry. This book is of interest to those in academia and industry.