The Future of Darkness: 30+ Dystopias in One Edition
By Edgar Allan Poe, William Hope Hodgson, Jack London, Ernest Bramah, Jonathan Swift, Cleveland Moffett, Anthony Trollope, Richard Jefferies, William Dean Howells, Ayn Rand, Samuel Butler, Milo Hastings, Edward Bellamy, Fritz Leiber, Irving E. Cox, Philip Francis Nowlan, Richard Stockham, Ignatius Donnelly, Owen Gregory, H.G. Wells, E. M. Forster, Fred M. White, Mary Shelley, Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, George Griffith, Edwin A. Abbott, Arthur Dudley Vinton, Gertrude Barrows Bennett & Hugh Benson

- Release Date: 2023-12-21
- Genre: Science Fiction
e-artnow presents to you this unique SF collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Contents: Ayn Rand: Anthem Jack London: Iron Heel H. G. Wells: The Time Machine The First Men in the Moon When The Sleeper Wakes Edward Bulwer-Lytton: The Coming Race Hugh Benson: Lord of the World Edward Bellamy: Looking Backward: 2000–1887 Equality Mary Shelley: The Last Man Edgar Allan Poe: The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion Owen Gregory: Meccania the Super-State Jonathan Swift Gulliver's Travels William Hope Hodgson: The Night Land Fred M. White: The Doom of London Series The Four White Days The Four Days' Night The Dust of Death A Bubble Burst The Invisible Force The River of Death Ignatius Donnelly: Caesar's Column Ernest Bramah: The Secret of the League (aka What Might Have Been) Milo Hastings: City of Endless Night Arthur Dudley Vinton: Looking Further Backward Gertrude Barrows Bennett (aka Francis Stevens): The Heads of Cerberus E. M. Forster: The Machine Stops Richard Jefferies: After London Samuel Butler: Erewhon Edwin A. Abbott: Flatland Anthony Trollope: The Fixed Period Fritz Leiber: The Night of the Long Knives Richard Stockham: Perchance to Dream Irving E. Cox: The Guardians Cleveland Moffett: The Conquest of America Richard Jefferies: After London William Dean Howells: A Traveler from Altruria Through the Eye of the Needle Philip Francis Nowlan: Armageddon–2419 A.D. The Airlords of Han (Sequel) Anonymous: The Great Romance Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain: Sultana's Dream George Griffith: The Angel of the Revolution The Syren of the Skies (Sequel)