Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2024
By David C. Planchard

- Release Date: 2024-03-06
- Genre: Digital Media
• A comprehensive introduction to SOLIDWORKS using tutorial style, step-by-step instructions
• Designed for beginning or intermediate SOLIDWORKS users
• Learn to create parts and assemblies using machined, plastic and sheet metal components
• Also covers Simulation, Sustainability, and Intelligent Modeling techniques
• This edition features a new chapter on SOLIDWORKS and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
Are you looking to learn SOLIDWORKS? As luck would have it, you have found the perfect SOLIDWORKS resource for students, designers, engineers and professionals alike! Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2024 provides a solid foundation in SOLIDWORKS by using projects with step-by-step instructions that are perfect for both beginners and intermediate users.
Each project begins with desired outcomes and usage competencies, so you’ll know exactly what you’ll learn and how to apply it. Projects build your skills incrementally. Throughout the book you’ll learn to create machined, plastic, and sheet metal components, explore the SOLIDWORKS user interface, CommandManager, and document and system properties. You’ll discover how to design simple and complex parts and assemblies with proper design intent. You’ll also explore how to use the SOLIDWORKS Toolbox and symmetry, patterns and configurations to edit and reuse features and parts like the pros do. And that’s just the first six projects!
Next, you’ll investigate top-down assembly modeling, develop components in-context with InPlace Mates, convert a solid part into sheet metal and insert and apply sheet metal features. With projects 8 and 9, you’ll learn how to apply intelligent modeling techniques to a sketch, feature, or any SOLIDWORKS creation. Prepare for the SOLIDWORKS Simulation Associate – Finite Element Analysis (CSWSA-FEA) exam with an overview of SOLIDWORKS Simulation, important concepts, and practice exam questions.
You will be delighted to find this is not just a dry technical manual. The realistic project scenarios were created with the author’s industry expertise and input of engineers, department managers, vendors and manufacturers who use SOLIDWORKS every day. Whether you’re looking to enhance your career or simply want to expand your knowledge of SOLIDWORKS, Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2024 is the ideal resource for you.
Table of Contents
1. Overview of SOLIDWORKS and the User Interface
2. Fundamentals of Part Modeling
3. Fundamentals of Assembly Modeling
4. Fundamentals of Drawing
5. Extrude and Revolve Features
6. Swept, Lofted and Additional Features
7. Top Down Assembly Modeling and Sheet Metal Parts
8. SOLIDWORKS Simulation
9. SOLIDWORKS and the 3DEXPERIENCE platform