The Placement of the Law

By Erik Angus MacRae

The Placement of the Law - Erik Angus MacRae
  • Release Date: 2024-03-21
  • Genre: Religion for Young Adults


      "As of late, I have been thinking extensively on the role Mosaic Law elements play, or can play in modern Legislative systems. When I observed the Law more closely, I noticed that it seemed to present a fantastic balancing act towards many of the basic elements of humanity that we seem to moan and lament the deteroriation of - that is to say, in a culture with much of the Mosaic Law elements active and enforced on some level, it would seem that we would be suffering a lot less of the frustrating instances that we complain about on a daily basis. It had elements to balance the relationships of the two genders, and the relationships of a country of God in a fantastic order - everything from a system of courts, financial Laws and comprehensive ordinances for business ethics, to treatment of sojourners and foreigners and even valuable incite into the differing nature of animal meats. I found the law to be highly underrated and generally underappreciated. My goal with this book was to shine a light on to these Laws, in the hopes that (especially) the Christian audience would better appreciate them, and be better able to give a defense of our Old Testament Scriptures after becoming more equipped and thoughtful. Many attack the law with grotesque strawman misrepresentations and misconceptions of its wording or function - it is my goal to equip the body against the distortions."

-Erik Angus MacRae